
Frequently Asked Questions

It’s pretty simple really. Answer the question and enter the competition, receive your number in your email confirmation or view it on the competition page, watch the live draw and keep your fingers crossed!

The competition is only open to all residents in the united kingdom aged 18 years or over.

All of our winners are drawn completely live on facebook using a random number generator

Prizes are delivered or made available for collection completely free of charge.

If the competition has not sold out within the time scale displayed on website, the draw will still go ahead.

Tickets are purchased via an online secure payment system. The Collectors Club will never ask anyone to provide card or account details outside of this system.

See t&c for full details on how to enter competitions for free. 

No, as long as you have entered your details correctly The Collectors Club will be in touch to arrange your prize delivery.

If you click on our warehouse no1 section on the homepage, you can see our blog, photos, and content which you can follow. You will also see both of us on our live draw on facebook.